Tag Archives: Michael

What a year

Even my usual motto of “each new year is better than the last” is woefully inadequate to describe 2010. But I suppose it could have been foretold this was going to be a helluva year by the way it started — with the last-minute C-section birth of Michael. Isn’t it amazing how so much can change in one year? This exact time last year, I was getting ready to go to the hospital for another non-stress test and anticipating the results from that fateful 24-hour urine test. This year, I’m getting ready to take my wiggly, active, very-close-to-walking Michael grocery shopping for his birthday party tomorrow.

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Shenanigans now include Michael

Remember how I love to play tourist? It’s been a while since I’ve been able to do so. First, I got pregnant last year, so I couldn’t do too much running around while I was with child. This year, I’ve been busy taking care of a newborn and getting resettled at work. So, since Michael is now 9 months old, he’s way more into what’s going on around him. I originally wanted to take Mikey to a zoo — either Santa Barbara or L.A. — but thought he wasn’t ready for it. So we took him to the Aquarium of the Pacific.

Aquarium of the Pacific visit

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Birthday with a baby

My first birthday with Michael in my life didn’t exactly go as planned. Previous birthdays since Trinity and I have been together have kind of gone like this — sleeping in, breakfast, an activity (like the time I dragged Trin to the Santa Barbara Zoo) and dinner. Yeah, first Michael wouldn’t let us sleep in. Especially me. We couldn’t eat breakfast because we were busy taking care of Michael. Michael’s only about 5 months old now, so an activity was not necessarily feasible. So, what did I do? Not work. I also got an oil change and dropped my car off to be fixed (I haven’t posted about this yet, but will in another blog post, possibly) and got a rental car. And…stayed home and watched TV with Trinity. We had a lot of catching up to do on our DVR.

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