Tag Archives: Christopher

Geez, I have cute kids

There’s really not much to update. I’m still on leave, so I’m doing quite a bit of work on Wedding Decorator and this site. In fact, don’t be surprised if you see a new look here very soon. But I figured it was time to post some pictures of my adorable boys. Oh, and Chris is not yet sleeping through the night, but he’s doing better. I’m trying to limit his naps during the day two 5 hours (like a 3-hour nap in the morning and a 2-hour nap in the afternoon) so that he starts actually sleeping at night. But having Michael and Trinity come home at 6:30-7 p.m. kind of messes him up, and he ends up staying up till 11 or so. We’ll get there.

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Another adorable baby boy

This will not be a long blog post, as I still feel as though someone ripped out my stomach (oh yeah, in a way someone did…) and I’m perpetually light-headed and headache-y from having not eaten anything for, oh, 36 hours or so. Babies are great, but dude, whoever thought up C-sections really wanted to make giving birth a truly lasting, painful experience. Anyway, Christopher David Powells was born at 8:20 p.m. on August 22, 2011, weighing in at 4 pounds, 5 ounces and measuring at 17 inches. Even as things didn’t go as I’d hoped — like my hope for a VBAC down the drain, for example — at least I didn’t need magnesium sulfate, which even my Ob-Gyn agreed was a nasty medication.

So, here I am, 1st day post-partum. I haven’t eaten anything solid yet, unfortunately, but I am no longer chained down by my catheter or the massage socks (that’s probably not the term for them — they are sort of like leg warmers that massage your calves to prevent blood clots in your legs). I’ve already taken a lumbering, somewhat ginger lap around the post-partum ward, and I’m hoping, hoping, hoping I’ll get breakfast tomorrow! So, in the grand tradition of not posting early baby pictures of my kids on Facebook, here are a few photos of my little Chris.
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