Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Prelude to a second baby

Let me present some random thoughts of a second-time mom:

A Saturday in January: If Mikey’s napping, I need to nap too. Man, I’ve been napping a lot lately. Maybe its just because Michael’s more active now that he’s walking.

February: Hm, I wonder if I missed my period. Maybe its just late.

March: Before I switch back to normal birth-control pills, I should really take a pregnancy test, just to make sure…..Oh, crap.

April 12: (At my first prenatal appointment) I’m how many weeks??? 16??? Seriously? Oh, crap.

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In the home stretch

So items have been chosen for the registries (Babies R Us and Target), the lamaze, CPR and newborn care classes are behind us and we’re nearly at 31 weeks. Yes, people, we’re going to have a baby in less than 10 weeks — give or take a couple of weeks.

Choosing stuff for the registries was much harder than I anticipated. Basically, we’re kind of using the registries as our list of things to buy. So, aside from the clothes, everything has been painstakingly chosen — Trinity’s been drilling his coworkers who have had babies recently on what kind of car seats they got, and we’ve both been a little crazy looking at user reviews, Consumer Reports, Baby Bargains and don’t get me started on how my head started spinning when I found the NHTSA ratings and Child Restraint Recalls from the Office Of Defects Investigations.

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That’s a big belly

If there are any men who read this blog, you might want to skip this entry. Its going to be mostly about being pregnant.

We’re at six months folks, and to be quite honest, the roundness of my belly is making me appreciate just how slender I used to be. You never seem to appreciate what you had till its gone. And while I was lucky enough to not have suffered any morning sickness (keeping my fingers crossed that it won’t hit me in the last trimester), I am experiencing occasional, nearly debilitating headaches and …dun dun dun… carpal tunnel.

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1 down, 2 to go

Trimesters, that is. All the baby books and websites are telling me that I should be past the morning sickness (never had it) and nausea (had that only occasionally, so occasionally I don’t even remember) and feeling more energized. I don’t know about the energized part — but that may change, since I am now on the day shift on the weekdays, which will be excellent. I’ve been getting tired much earlier in the evenings.

My belly, however, is getting bigger. And its kind of freaking me out, since I’ve never been a thin person and strove to keep my curves in check. Now, there’s nothing I can do about it.

Speaking of my belly and trying to keep my curves in check….I’ve been eating. So much. Last week, I got to work early, so I stopped by the bank and by Pick-Up Stix, which was having its cream cheese wonton Wednesdays. So I bought an order of six and a bowl of wonton soup….which I ate all of within an hour and a half of being at work. And I was still hungry! In fact, I had a headache until I ate a roast beef sandwich from Panera. Oh my goodness. I am actually not used to eating this much.

So yes. This is motherhood so far.

Newest project isn’t a blog

I’ve gotten several funny reactions, mostly from the guys, upon seeing this image on my phone for the first time. When I stuck it in Bryan Frank‘s face as he was looking for someone in the newsroom, he at first thought it was some sort of abstract or space image. Heheh. My buddy Marc had to shade the phone because it was about dusk, and he said, “what’s this?…..No!” The girls, of course, know exactly what it was. Yep. I’m pregnant. (You can click the ultrasound to see it bigger)

Some quick facts: I’m at 10 weeks, nearing 11 weeks. Everyone has been asking if I’ve had morning sickness, but I am apparently one of the lucky ones not experiencing that tried and true signal of motherhood. On the other hand, I’ve broken out in acne like its 1993 again (I was born in 1978, so I’m saying its like I’m 15 again). Like I told my friends in an email over the weekend, I hardly feel pregnant, except for the occasional belly cramps (according to the doctor’s office, its round ligament pain) and some, ahem, problems with the plumbing. That’s taken care of though. I also don’t look too different, other than the acne — I am still in the same clothes, albeit fitting a bit snugly and also gravitating to more, forgiving, summer dresses.

Trin and I have known for weeks, of course. In fact, one of the reasons why I couldn’t blog our day trip to Ojai back in June was because that’s the day I told Trinity he was going to be a father. :)

I have a lot more to ruminate about on this subject, but I think this is enough of a bombshell for a Monday. BTW, what should my pregnancy category be called? “Hey Baby”? “Baby Momma”? “Momma D”? Another friend suggested an entirely new baby blog. Whaddya think?