Tag Archives: Pregnancy Appetite

1 down, 2 to go

Trimesters, that is. All the baby books and websites are telling me that I should be past the morning sickness (never had it) and nausea (had that only occasionally, so occasionally I don’t even remember) and feeling more energized. I don’t know about the energized part — but that may change, since I am now on the day shift on the weekdays, which will be excellent. I’ve been getting tired much earlier in the evenings.

My belly, however, is getting bigger. And its kind of freaking me out, since I’ve never been a thin person and strove to keep my curves in check. Now, there’s nothing I can do about it.

Speaking of my belly and trying to keep my curves in check….I’ve been eating. So much. Last week, I got to work early, so I stopped by the bank and by Pick-Up Stix, which was having its cream cheese wonton Wednesdays. So I bought an order of six and a bowl of wonton soup….which I ate all of within an hour and a half of being at work. And I was still hungry! In fact, I had a headache until I ate a roast beef sandwich from Panera. Oh my goodness. I am actually not used to eating this much.

So yes. This is motherhood so far.