Category Archives: Work


Transitioning to ‘working mom’

Am I crazy for wanting to give up lazy days at home with Michael, not having to answer crazy viewer calls, not having to sit in traffic? Maybe. Nonetheless, I am back at work, have been since last Thursday. Check out my keyboard, which apparently went completely unused for 3 1/2 months.

(The dust on my keyboard is an unusual sight, since I am pretty fastidious about my workspace. I use a disposable, antibacterial wipe to swab down my desk and keyboard every morning — even though I’m the only one using my desk.)

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Lunch with Tommy Lasorda

Yeah, you know, me and Tommy go way  back.


Whenever one of the teams we broadcast goes to the playoffs, we have a party. So with the Dodgers about to get into the playoffs, we had a Dodger party — free Dodger dogs, sodas and chips and an appearance by the great Tommy Lasorda. Good Lord, did you know he’ll be married 60 years in April? Impressive!

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NewsCentral from my desk

If you don’t live in the Los Angeles area, you probably didn’t know there were some changes involving the station I work at. Namely, its gone from “CBS 2 News” and “KCAL 9 News” to “NewsCentral.” In terms of my work for the website, the new branding won’t affect too much of what I do. But it sure looks different from my desk. First, the new wallpaper that greeted me when I came back from vacation:

This wallpaper now graces every computer in the building, I believe. It replaces the old “2 | 9” logo with the blue background. I like this one a lot because I’ve always been partial to scenery, especially nature, wallpaper for my computers.

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