Transitioning to ‘working mom’

Am I crazy for wanting to give up lazy days at home with Michael, not having to answer crazy viewer calls, not having to sit in traffic? Maybe. Nonetheless, I am back at work, have been since last Thursday. Check out my keyboard, which apparently went completely unused for 3 1/2 months.

(The dust on my keyboard is an unusual sight, since I am pretty fastidious about my workspace. I use a disposable, antibacterial wipe to swab down my desk and keyboard every morning — even though I’m the only one using my desk.)

I was originally going to do a pro and con list about coming back to work. I’m afraid it would be a lopsided list. Maybe it would work better if I just laid out a wish list. I’m gonna just put it out there, you never know.

  • I wish my lot had a daycare on the property. The only studios with on-site daycare are apparently Disney and Fox, in Century City.
  • I wish the family daycare we found for Michael was closer to my work. Even though I really like this daycare.
  • I almost wish I could work part-time. Although, who’s ever heard of a part-time online news producer? If anything, any online gig is nearly on-call. I’m going to have to really think about this one.
  • I wish I lived closer to work so my hours could be more flexible and I didn’t have to spend so much time on the road.
  • I wish my daycare had a webcam. I’d love to peek in on him while I’m at work.

However, it is nice to speak to people who can speak back to me (although, some would joke, “do you really want them to speak back to you??”) and eat lunch, go to the bathroom and pump when I want — to the extent that work allows me.

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