Category Archives: Housekeeping


Change abounds…again

As you can see, I’ve changed my theme design….again. I know, I just changed it about six months ago, right? What can you do, I get restless, and I was increasingly unhappy with the design I had. I think I was tired of having three columns (this is sort of a journal right?), plus I didn’t like the colors anymore. So I changed it up.

I’ve found a few designs I like, but I seem to like elements of many, rather than the whole of one. I know, this probably means I should just design my own theme, but I’m loathe to jump into CSS and PHP all on my own.

So don’t be surprised if you see this blog change yet again. I’m really into design, but am not very good at designing my own stuff. I think the last time I was really happy with my blog’s design was when I had that swirly image — remember that? Man, that was a long time ago.

Speaking of, I keep asking people what they think of when they think of me. I can’t think of one icon or symbol or image that might actually convey the sum total of my blog. First I thought it was newspapers, then I thought of my old iBook, then sunglasses…someone else said they always think of my long hair. I don’t know! I am at a loss. So if you could help me out here, at all, that would be great.

If you want to check out some of the themes I’ve been checking out, browse my wordpress tag on delicious. I especially love what MNML did with their header/footer.

Been MIA

My apologies for being preoccupied the last week or so. I’ve obviously been reading stuff still, but haven’t had a chance to post lately. Let’s see…I was busy moving my Wedding Decorator blog to its own host (good bye, Blogger!). I’ve been looking around for a new cell phone (do I want to stick with a regular phone? Do I want a smartphone? Do I want to hold out for an iPhone?) I was also busy getting nominated to co-president of AAJA’s Los Angeles chapter. My bad.

I’m still not sure how to feel about the whole co-prez thing. Thank God I didn’t have to actually run for election. I’ve heard those things can get kind of negative.

I’ll try to not be so bad at keeping up the blog. I’ll also let you know how the cell phone thing works out. As much as my life is online, I really am resistant to changing my habits. I don’t even Twitter. For shame!

Another minor redesign

So, unless you’re reading this in an RSS reader, I’ve done a redesign. I’ve kept the same general feel, but went for another theme because the structure of my last one was unsatisfactory. I also got rid of a few things on the sidebars, added an actual logo image and when you scroll down to the bottom, you’ll see a familiar face on the footer. Oh, and I also kicked in a few plugins I’ve been eyeing, the most obvious of which is the Drop Cap plugin. During my hiatus, I also upgraded to 2.6.1, so I’m still playing around with my categories (which I plan to clean up) and I’m thinking about what to do when it comes to these tags. Categories and tags? It seems just a little redundant, but I’ll look into it.

Oh, and I do also plan to redo the favicon. But I’m exhausted and I have a headache, so I’ll have to post all the posts I’ve been thinking about in the morning.

Is it too soon for a redesign?

Blame it on the recently wrapped-up redesign of the AAJA-LA site, but I want to redesign this site again. I know, I know — I just redesigned the site in December, after shifting to WordPress in August. In my defense, I had to redesign in December because I broke my theme, but whatever.

Anyway, I’ve been shopping around for a new theme, in preparation for when I upgrade to WordPress 2.5. My upgrading really has nothing to do with you, but upgrading is sort of my excuse for a new theme.

Anyway, I’ve been looking around, trying to find themes with “good bones.” What do I want? Let’s see, I now want to go back to a fixed template (meaning everything stays the same size in whatever size browser you’re viewing it in), three columns (but I seem to be waffling on that…), with serif fonts and good blockquotes. Is that weird, that I want good blockquotes? Anyway, I also want the categories to show up as summaries, not just headlines, the way my theme does now. Oh and its important that the post space is wider than 500 pixels, since I like to make my biggest photos 500 pixels.

You can check out some of the themes I’ve found that sort of fit the bill one way or another via my WordPress tags on I really like Imagination, but I also like Refueled’s Simple Themes. But I think if life were perfect, I’d use Shazia Mistry’s Sakeena. But I don’t think Sakeena is available for download yet.

The other thing I was wondering…Trin was saying I needed to come up with a design I liked so I could stop redesigning. Hehehe, I don’t think I’ll ever stop redesigning, but he does have a point. Is there a picture or thing that you think of when it comes to my site? My site is so all over the place that I can’t think of just one thing.

Anyway, if you think of anything let me know.