Category Archives: Things to do

Things to do

Thanksgiving at Union Station of Pasadena

I don’t really have a charity I regularly support, but when I had my birthday at Union Station of Pasadena, I had such a great time and got such a great glow from that experience that I’d like to share it with everyone else. Now, I know not everyone is down to have their birthday party by giving it to the homeless, but hey — you can still get that glow.

Photo lifted from the Union Station website

On Thanksgiving Day (and on Christmas Day), an army of volunteers are needed to help out with their annual Dinner in the Park. They’ll need people in shifts to help set up (10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.), serve food and drinks (11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.) and then clean up (1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.) Not only that, they’re asking for help the days before and after Thanksgiving and Christmas, plus food like cooked and uncooked turkeys, hams, side dishes (in disposable aluminum containers) and desserts (but no jello!).

I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be assigned to work Thanksgiving Day, (and by the way, I hear Jackie Johnson will be at the helm of this year’s Thanksgiving demonstration webcast and live chat), so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get out to Pasadena or what. But the least I can do is give them some free advertising!

Free Filipino food!

Ahhh, not quite. Sorry. But nothing like mentioning “Free!” to get your attention right?

Anyway, I have finally confirmed I will be at FPAC this weekend – Saturday afternoon, since you’re asking. (There was a kerfluffle about whether I might have to work, but that’s worked out now.) Anyway, I am not really going for one specific thing or reason (other than food and the great location at Pt. Fermin Park in San Pedro), but if you want some guidance, peruse Moonie’s recommendations. If you go, remember admission is $7 a person.

Oh, but if you don’t care for Filipino food, I highly recommend Body Worlds 3, which is in its final weekend here in L.A. Tickets for this event is $18.95 for adults, but its truly worth it.

JabbaWockeez, live and in color

JabbaWockeez photo lifted from

JabbaWockeez photo lifted from

I’m signed up for countless email blasts, but one this morning happened to be useful. The America’s Best Dance Crew Live tour starts in Miami but comes home Oct. 16 to the Nokia Theater in downtown.

(Tickets for this went on sale practically two weeks ago…but I only got an email now? Sheesh.)

Now, excuse me as I go call up friends and devise a way to cover the event….or something…

One-hour road trips

Neptunes Net by Bob Chamberlin/Los Angeles Times

Neptune's Net by Bob Chamberlin/Los Angeles Times

Is it just me, or have the L.A. Times’ writers finally begun to realize that not everyone can afford to go to Europe or eat at 4-star restaurants?? Today, they finally came up with a list of places you can reach with one gas tank. Oh, there are so many places, but their list includes Vasquez Rocks, Neptune’s Net and Carpinteria State Beach. Not a bad list! Neptune’s Net is a place I’m especially eager to visit. (And, is it just me, but was this the place featured in “That Thing You Do!”?? Remember, Joe’s Shrimp Shack?) A few things I wish they had also included are fees — parking fees, admission fees. Oh well. That’s why you get the website addresses, I guess.

But in Los Angeles, there are so many other places that can be done for on the cheap, admission, gas and mileage-wise. Here are a few of the places I’ve been meaning to check out:

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Birthday revelry begins!

Happy birthday to me!Can I stretch out my birthday longer? No! So even though its four days early, my birthday celebrations begin tomorrow! Woohoo! I’m actually getting worried about my Flickr account because I’m going to be uploading plenty of pictures over the next week — first my party tomorrow, then Memorial Day on Monday, then driving up the coast to see the Monterey Aquarium and Hearst Castle? Good Lord!

By the way, preparing for this party has been a pickle.¬† Trying to plan three dishes for more than 100 people? And also trying to coordinate people to bring desserts and drinks? Wow! I’d never done this before. I feel like I’m in my own private episode of Top Chef, the homeless shelter volunteer edition. (And by the way, while I saw Dale’s exit coming, it is still astounding, considering how much Lisa and Spike suck.)

Oh well! These are great problems to have. Happy birthday to me!