Tag Archives: Toddler

See these shoes? I would totally buy them. They’re…

See these shoes? I would totally buy them. They’re actually on sale right now. But they’re 3 inches tall. Not good for running.

On Sunday, as we enjoyed a leisurely Father’s Day lunch at a mall food court (It was the fathers’ choice, not mine), I had to take my 2 1/2 year old to the family lounge to change his diaper. After finishing, I pushed him toward the play area so I could take a minute to wash my hands. But instead of playing, he took off!

When I turned around, he was gone and the other parents were gesturing that he’d run out. So I grab our backpack and rush out. The family lounge is halfway down this tunnel, and he had already cleared the tunnel, and ran into a neighboring jewelry store. I ended up charging down the tunnel, running through the jewelry store at least once, before I caught up to him where we’d started. Thank God I’d been wearing flat sandals that day.

So, yeah. I’m not too sure how 3-inch wedge-like heels would work for chasing down a toddler. And before I know it, I’ll be chasing down two of them.

At the end of mommy’s rope

The terrible two’s are a misnomer. “Terrible two’s” makes most think that the tantrums that toddlers are famous for start when they turn 2, but Michael has demonstrated clearly and without equivocation that throwing tantrums are not solely the domain of 2 year olds. Mikey’s tantrums are partly to blame for my extreme exhaustion tonight. Add to that the fact that I’ve been dealing with a cold (congestion, coughing, occasional chills and feverish spells) for the past five days and, of course, the fact that I’m 27 weeks pregnant — makes for a very short-tempered mommy.

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