Tag Archives: Simi Valley

American Christmas trees at the Reagan Library

Recently, I visited the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, where I stumbled upon this exhibit — An American Christmas. It was an exhibit made up of Christmas trees, decorated according to a corresponding decade. Continue reading

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Last weekend, my younger sister needed to go to a presidential library for a class. She could have gone to the Nixon Library, since its in Orange County, but she opted to go to the Reagan Library, so she and my older sister could hang with the boys, too. We tagged along with the school trip and were pleasantly surprised that we had a good time. We were not pleased, however, that we stumbled on the cool part of the Disney exhibit (which included a life size Iron Man!) five minutes to closing. Why would you had that in the basement?!

Sometimes, even I’m surprised at my aptitude for…

Sometimes, even I’m surprised at my aptitude for parenting. This afternoon, my sisters, my kids, hubby and I were at the Reagan Library so my younger sister could do a school project. Michael was totally enamored with Air Force One, and as my sisters tried to snap a picture of him in front of the plane, his head kept swiveling back to look at the plane. So I said, “Let me do it.” I got them all in the right position, focused my iPhone, and called out to Michael, to get his attention. Twice, his head swiveled back to look at Air Force One. Finally, I called out, “Michael! I have a sucker!” His head swiveled toward me, he smiled, and I snapped the perfect photo.