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Movie night at the Powells – Gingerdead Man

You may be wondering, “why in the world would you ever want to watch a movie that looks like that?!” Well, the answer is, I didn’t – Miles spotted the cover in a Blockbuster one night, sans the videotape, and has been obsessed ever since. He finally found the DVD to rent last week and movie night at the Powells’ had been set ever since.

Mind you, we watched this movie after our jaunt to the Getty and eating dinner in Santa Monica. But this movie was so horrifically bad, it deserved its own post.

OK, first off, Miles kept thinking the movie was “The Gingerbread Man.” Nope. When the title flashed, Trinity read aloud, “The Gingerdead Man.” Miles was shocked. He’d been googling the thing and almost considered just buying the damn thing, and he only found out it was the “The Gingerdead Man” tonight. Man.

It’s hard to say exactly what was so bad about this movie. I mean, in general, it was just overall bad. The acting was bad, the dialogue was bad, and the plot was bad. What was the plot, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Gary Busey plays a killer who is sentenced to die and is killed by electrical chair. The girl he left alive – Sarah Leigh (get it?) – helped send him there. A couple of days after his execution, someone (in a black cape, during the day) drops off a stray box of gingerbread spice mix at Sarah’s bakery back door. Sarah and one of her employees, Brick Fields (get it?), are talking, are talking, when Brick accidently cuts himself and holds the bleeding cut (which was first on the hand, then inexplicably on his arm) over the stray, open gingerbread spice mix. (This was never spelled out, but apparently, his mother is a witch and sprinkled her son’s cremated remains into the gingerbread spice mix for revenge. How she knew blood would be dripped into the mix, I’m not sure.) Soon, the gingerbread spice, blood and all, is being mixed up with dough and being made into a gingerbread man, then all hell breaks loose. Nasty-looking gingerbread man goes nuts on the little bakery, cutting off Sarah’s mom’s finger after yelling, “ever tried a ladyfinger?”; using a rolling pin to run a rival bakery owner into a wall, and rigging a booby trap for the rival bakery owner’s daughter, Lorna Dean (get it?), who gets a knife in the forehead somehow.

Oh, the one-liners were priceless, too, like the ladyfingers one. Lorna Dean, at one point, tells Sarah, “shut your pie hole.” Get it? And (warning: spoiler coming!) after successfully, and bloodily, chewing off the Gingerdead Man’s head off, Brick sits back, mouth all bloody, burps, and says, “Got milk?”


But don’t take my word for it. Go rent it for yourself and watch it in all its horrible, campy glory. But good luck on finding a copy – for some reason, it took Miles about two months to find the thing because it kept getting rented.

Out with the friends

I dragged my husband, his best friend Miles and my girl Lilly to the Getty to catch the last day of the Pictures for the Press exhibit. It was extremely crowded, but very interesting to see the photos as they were printed and to read the history behind shots of D-Day, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy’s assasination and the bombing of Nagasaki, among others.

And of course, we had to take some pictures….

Miles, posing as a tough guy, against the backdrop of West L.A., Santa Monica and the ocean.

Um, I think you know who this is.

The latest photo of Trinity and I, in which I surprisingly came out OK.

Lilly, doing the Michael Jackson slide, in front of the corner fountain.

We stumbled onto this corridor by chance – Miles and Lilly walked out there, and were nearly blown away. Turns out this corridor, which opens out facing east, is like a wind tunnel at sunset. We had a great time messing around in it. Here’s Trinity, doing the Michael Jackson yell pose.

Lilly showing how windblown her hair became just standing against the wind. You may think she’s just doing the model stance, but honestly – you had to really plant your feet to stand up against the wind. The wind blew me back, my sneakers sliding on the marble, and nearly knocked me over. Trinity had to come save me. LOL.

Here’s Trinity and Lilly pretending to rescue Miles as he’s blown away. Miles likes doing stuff like this. If you think Miles looks familiar, he’s one of the three stars of the controversial show N*W*C, which played several times at UCLA and in downtown LA in a theater whose name I cannot remember right now.

Yes, and a good time was had by all.

We left the Getty right around closing time, and ended up going to Casa Escobar to get something to eat. Lilly was not really feeling the food, and Miles was shocked that they didn’t serve horchata, but what can you do? We were already sitting down. But the last laugh at that point came not in the restaurant, but in the parking lot – a sweet old lady approached Trinity as we waited for the valet to get our car and asked him, “Were you on the Cosby Show?”

OHMIGOD. We all nearly fell down laughing. Trinity, as sincerely as he could, said, “no, I wasn’t.” Trinity says she said, “darn, I thought I was going to meet someone who was on TV.” Oh my, it was funny. And this is just after making fun of Trinity and how in high school, he used to look like Usher, then like Lindsey Hunter while he was a Laker. Priceless.

For your consideration…

I would like to nominate Kip Powells as the craziest cat in Los Angeles.

Kip enjoys a romp in sleeve jackets and does not discriminate between denim, cotton, leather or pleather.

Kip is a wonderful actor – for example, here he stars as a captured infidel.

Kip also has a tendency to sleep in extremely photogenic positions. For example, here, he fell asleep next to my favorite purple scarf.

Please consider Kip when making your choice for the craziest cat in Los Angeles.