Pampers Baby Dry rash?

I received a box of Pampers Baby Dry from church recently, and wasn’t too thrilled. You see, I’ve used this type for Elliott before and it didn’t do well with Elliott’s sensitive skin.

I know it’s not just Elliott that has this issue either. These diapers have some sort of blue overlay on the inside that I think didn’t react well with the A+D ointment I was using for him, because his first week of using them resulted in an angry, red bumpy rash all over his bottom and testicles. But, I didn’t buy these diapers so it’s not like I can just complain to Pampers, right?

So, my solution – while using these diapers, I am simply using plain petroleum jelly to protect Elliott from the blue overlay. It’s sterile, but still provides a physical barrier from his poop and pee that protects his skin and gives it a chance to heal. It’s working out so far.