Tag Archives: Mommy guilt

Maternity leave monotony

Does it make me a terrible mommy if I can’t wait to go back to work?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving this time with Michael. Its like he’s getting bigger and cuter every day. Just last night, he was sleeping on my boppy, one leg splayed out, the other tucked under him, mouth lax and drooling. I chuckled and said to my husband, “I’m thinking this is one of those moments why everyone always says ‘cherish the time that they’re small.'”

Oh, but if I don’t have a scheduled visitor, or somewhere I’m planning to go, I feel as if the walls are closing in on me.

There was one week that was particularly trying, when Michael fussed and cried every night after I took him upstairs and got him ready to go to bed for the night. Those nights, I was ready to pull my hair out up until my husband came home to take the baby — at which time, Michael always quieted down and looked at his father’s admonishing face as if he understood. The Saturday of that week, I was in tears as my husband left for work, and about an hour later, we both called Michael’s godmother to at least come and visit.

That was the week I decided it was time to go back to work.

But that doesn’t assuage any guilty feelings I have about going back to work. I actually do have the option to stay home another 12 weeks (I believe) with partial pay (from the government), thanks to the California Family Rights Act, or CFRA. And with my husband facing a job loss in May/June, he’s now unable to take April off to spend with Michael as we originally planned. When we found out about his job changes, we at first talked about me taking April off also to take care of Michael…then I had that really tough week. Yeah, I’m just not of the stay-at-home disposition, mom or otherwise.

But…but…this is my son. My first son. And I just want to leave him with a stranger? Just because I hate to stay home?

I’m afraid so. I hate to stay home. When I was told I had to be on bed rest during my last trimester, I pouted mightily. And even having Michael home with me isn’t enough to keep me sane. I crave regular changes to my scenery, I crave some adult conversation, I even crave the small victories that come from work. If I keep staying home, I’m afraid I’m going to be no good to anyone, especially my baby.

So, as much as I want to continue to take care of Michael myself….I don’t want to. Does that make sense? Are these simply the prattlings of an emotional mom?

At any rate, looking for childcare is now my latest obsession. Childcare is a surprisingly free-for-all enterprise in California. My options are school daycares, family daycares or a nanny. I’m months away from any openings at school daycares, and I don’t think we can afford a nanny (and we probably don’t have the time to properly look for one), so that leaves family daycares. Now, where do you find one? It’s surprisingly hard, especially if your child is less than 18 months old.

There’s the National Association of Family Child Care, but their resources were pretty thin. I called the Conejo Valley Day Care Association for a referral, but haven’t gotten a call back yet. So….I’ve been searching Craigslist. My husband is not a fan, but one lead from an ad, led to a verbal referral to a lady I talked to on Friday who I got a good vibe off.

However, when it came time to look up her license on the state’s Child Care Licensing site…there’s no database search for license #’s. You have to call. And we all know its a breeze to call the state for information. What a crock. You can check a veterinarian’s license with a database search on the state website, but not a child care provider? Criminy.

I’ll update later on the child care search.