Tag Archives: Quiche-Style Torta

Filipino torta, quiche style

I love me some torta, a Filipino dish akin to a stuffed omelet. But there’s a technique to it that I just cannot master — the pan flip. It scares the hell out of me, so I’ve avoided cooking it for years because I cannot do the pan flip. Above, on the left, you see an intact, traditional torta. Here’s what one of my fails looks like:

IMG_2072See the break toward the right? It is an offense to my Filipino heritage. So when I finally figured out, a few years ago, what a quiche was, I thought to myself — that doesn’t sound so far from a torta; why can’t it be made like that?

I have finally developed a recipe for a quiche-style torta. It’s a combination of the recipe my sister developed from the memory of my mom’s torta, and a crustless mini quiche recipe from Will Cook For Friends.

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