Category Archives: Gadgets

Are you man enough to sit next to a netbook?

Last night, I came back from picking up dinner at Koo Koo Roo and was greeted by this picture. Yes, that would be beFrank, in front of a pair of newsroom computer monitors, but what I want to point out is that itty bitty screen next to the two monitors.

beFrank and his netbook

That would be a netbook. Isn’t it cute? As soon as I saw it, I came over (I didn’t walk far; my desk was just on the other end of that row, facing the other way) and started grilling him about it. He said it cost about $250 and worked pretty well once he stopped using the packaged software. It’s smaller than a piece of 8 by 11 paper when closed. The size of it reminds me of one of those portable DVD players. However, that’s not the funny thing about this.

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