Tag Archives: 2009

Hopes and aspirations for 2009

Earlier today, as I sniffled and sneezed through a day shift, it turned out that several members of the news team were asked, “what are your hopes and dreams for 2009?” The video is pretty funny, with Shawna from the assignment desk cracking me up the most, as she basically calls out her boyfriend on live television — and now for the whole world to see online — that she’s ready and waiting for that engagement ring.

Its been something I’ve been thinking about the last couple of days  — not Shawna’s engagement ring, heheh, but what are my hopes and dreams — er, but I prefer aspirations — for the new year? Most of the responses in the video included staying in shape and for the economy’s improvement. I liked the guy’s response that he was hoping for another great year of marriage and another wonderful year with his family. That was sweet.

A lot of the hopes and dreams I hoped and wished for have been blown out of the water with my mom’s death last July. So what now?

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Hello, 2009!

I gotta say, I’m happy to say farewell to 2008. There have been some ups, sure — my 10-year blogiversary, my 30th birthday –but also some downs, like my mom’s death. I previously thought that I had bad luck in years of 7, but now, I think I have to add 8 to the unlucky numbers list. Here’s to hoping 2009 will be blessed!

I will probably write more. Sorry! I just don’t want to keep Trinity waiting. :)