Tag Archives: Rihanna

Bible study on domestic violence*

One of the other reasons I was so blog quiet the past two weeks was due to my studying for a Christian Education lesson on domestic violence. The studying and preparing for Jinah’s wedding, alongside the general AAJA-LA madness and trying the house relatively clean, really took a toll on my time at the gym, cooking and blogging, unfortunately.

But, I made some very interesting discoveries in the time I spent studying domestic violence. For the record, I felt compelled to do this study after seeing all the news about Chris Brown and Rihanna, and the subsequent suppression of the photo of her bruised and battered face. And honestly, I believe that news agencies shouldn’t have suppressed the photo — yes, Rihanna’s privacy is important, but she’s also a public figure, and young girls who idolize both her and Chris Brown need to see what can result from an abusive relationship.

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