Tag Archives: Hulu

Farewell ‘Kings’

Probably because I’ve always been online, I’ve always been a fan of free things online. The more free you give me, the more I traffic your site, right? Which is probably why I always have a Gmail, Facebook and iGoogle page open. Thank goodness for tabbed browsing. Anyway, Hulu, I’m sure you know, is just the latest of the things I love that is free online, but this time, I think its something that will make returns for the people who probably didn’t want to give it away, but had to because that was just what everyone is doing right now.

First, let me just say I am monumentally disappointed that “Kings” will no longer be producing new shows. I know the story of King David superficially (I know, I know, I should know it better), but this show is just so amazing — the visuals, the acting (and when do you ever hear me exulting about the acting) and the way the show’s creators have recreated the story of David and Saul in a modern time. Seriously, you should watch it, but don’t get mad at me when you come to the end. That’s exactly how I feel right now.

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