Tag Archives: AAJA Convention

In support of AAJA convention projects

Non-profits don’t seem to be weathering the recession very well, in particular journalism non-profits, since we have the added issue of newspapers hemorrhaging jobs. One thing that stunned my friends in particular was that AAJAhad to pony up $30,000 just to reconcile an unfulfilled contract at the Boston convention’s overflow hotel. The other big issue that began making the rounds before I even saw the official proposal sent to AAJA’s chapter presidents was the issue of the convention’s student projects, like Voices. Basically, the issue is AAJA is in the red and some members are thinking that changing the projects to a sort of all expense-paid convention trip/mentorship program to cut down on costs.

I am unabashedly an AAJA cheerleader, especially when it comes to the convention projects. I served on two and got one of my closest friends to apply for another. I’ve also kept in touch with a lot of my Voices pals — who knew just one week could give you an 8-year friendship? So I sent this letter to the discussion thread.
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Bust, not Boston

I swear it has nothing to do with the Lakers-Celtics rivalry, but Trinity and I will not be part of this year’s AAJA Boston convention. Its a total departure for me, seeing as how I’ve attended nearly every convention since 2000 — save for Minneapolis and now Boston. Our absence is not necessarily about money, otherwise I’d apply for a convention stipend (although, I think as co-president, I don’t think I should be qualified to be awarded one). It’s more that there are other events this year that we have to focus on, and priorities are priorities. Plus, a bunch of the people we want to see — Belinda, Shruti, Marc — won’t be there either. It kind of lessens the attraction when your friends can’t be there.

But the really bad news is the gold sponsor of the convention, the Boston Globe, may not be around for the convention either.

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