Category Archives: Christianity



A video like this one renews my faith in people and in the Christmas season. A friend posted it, with the comment, “It made me smile.” Not only did I smile, I wept a little bit with joy. I wish I could’ve been at this food court when this happened.


Bible study on domestic violence*

One of the other reasons I was so blog quiet the past two weeks was due to my studying for a Christian Education lesson on domestic violence. The studying and preparing for Jinah’s wedding, alongside the general AAJA-LA madness and trying the house relatively clean, really took a toll on my time at the gym, cooking and blogging, unfortunately.

But, I made some very interesting discoveries in the time I spent studying domestic violence. For the record, I felt compelled to do this study after seeing all the news about Chris Brown and Rihanna, and the subsequent suppression of the photo of her bruised and battered face. And honestly, I believe that news agencies shouldn’t have suppressed the photo — yes, Rihanna’s privacy is important, but she’s also a public figure, and young girls who idolize both her and Chris Brown need to see what can result from an abusive relationship.

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A New Year’s resolution you don’t often see

Start going to church.”

Apparently, you are likely to stick to all the default New Year’s resolutions — lose weight, save money, etc. — if you simply start going to church. At least, that’s what this NY Times article kind of says.

This is an awkward question for a heathen to contemplate, but I felt obliged to raise it with Michael McCullough after reading his report in the upcoming issue of the Psychological Bulletin. He and a fellow psychologist at the University of Miami, Brian Willoughby, have reviewed eight decades of research and concluded that religious belief and piety promote self-control.

I originally saw the article via a buddy on Facebook. And I left this comment:

One of the definitions of religious is to be extremely scrupulous or conscientious. I would say don’t go to church unless there is something truly drawing you. That said, I go to church every Sunday, and not out of habit because my church is 50 miles from my home. :)

Wait a second, you might be thinking. Aren’t you supposed to be one of those people who’s supposed to tell everyone about Christ? You know, like, a Christian does? Yeah, I am. But honestly, I’m tired of people getting into church looking to gain something worldly, like, if they spend X-amount of time at church on Sundays, and an occasional Saturday activity, then I’m going to get the job/house/car I want, the husband/wife I want, and the body of that model. No.

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