Category Archives: Audioblog


Random stuff from tonight

Trinity IM’ed me this gallery of bosses and their characteristics….I think you’ll like it. I hate to say it, but I could easily put real people under the “Dictator” and “Lost Lamb” entries. Fortunately, my current boss is a “Our Hero.”

darleeneisms #4 – On the way home

Speeding home, thinking about the sad news of the night and the weird videos that people like to watch.

It’s ma birthday! It’s ma birthday!

According to the SF Chronicle’s horoscopes:

This year you develop the power to turn on your creativity whenever you need it. So problems that used to stymie you find easy solutions. Making money is your forte in June. You change the way you do business in order to maximize your time. Adventure sends you far away in July. You share a special connection with Libra and Pisces people. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 6, 20, 50 and 41.

In addition, Geminis:

You’re experiencing an emotional growth spurt and may feel awkward while you’re still in the adjustment phase. This could manifest in your physical appearance, even though the change in you is internal.

Also, in light of the last couple days worth of angst, I find it ironic that I share my birthday with Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

darleeneisms #3 – It’s my birthday!