Trinity to

Relief. It’s a far cry from what I felt when Trinity called me on a February afternoon, opening the conversation with, “So, don’t freak out, but…” That’s when he told me the Ventura County Star was phasing out its copy desk and its parent company, Scripps, would create a universal hub out of Corpus Christie in Texas. And, as he told me, I think my mouth was agape and I broke out in a cold sweat as I held 1-month-old Michael. The news freaked me out so much I couldn’t even blog about it!

So I’m happy to report Trinity has not been laid off.

Trinity and Michael match for Father’s Day

Trinity, of course, was fully aware that he needed to find a new job, now that we’ve got Michael. And, in fact, Trinity actually turned down two other jobs before accepting the one at Fox Sports — it, thankfully, fits our family needs and Trinity’s growing obsession with sports much better than the other two jobs did. And just in time, too — the day before the Fox Sports offer came in, Trinity had called me and explained that his copy desk was given the option to either be out on Aug. 16 or stay on till the bitter end (since Scripps was delayed on their universal hub).

At any rate, I gotta say Trinity’s now-former coworkers rock. On his last Saturday, one of his coworkers baked a chocolate cake for him. The following Monday, his coworkers took Trinity, Michael and I to lunch. And, of course, on his last day, he got cake and a joke gift — a Costco size box of individual coffee creamer. I’m not entirely sure what the joke was, but I do know that Trinity would occasionally add a box of individually-packaged coffee creamer to our grocery list.

Photo by Marjorie Hernandez

They even had Trin say a few words. LOL. Upon hearing this, I joked, “did anyone ask you to speak up??” I got a dirty look, of course. Heehee.

Anyway, now we face another dilemma — since our Westlake Village home is now no longer in between our respective commutes, it makes no sense to stay there (other than the gorgeous scenery, great townhouse and excellent schools). Seriously, you get tired of the regular commute in heavy traffic. And Trin’s new gig is in Century City, soon to move even farther down the 405 — not fun. Now the question becomes — should we move? (Probably.) If so, where to??