Following Happy Slip around

Yeah, I know you wish you were me all afternoon.

If you can’t guess, I met and interviewed Happy Slip today in Little Tokyo.

If you were wondering whether she was nice in person, rest assured. After I interviewed her, I fully expected her to have to go off and do something else, but instead she let me follow her around and keep taking pictures of her (which I heroically did whilst holding a video camera too! at times). I even crossed the street to eat at an odd little Chinese/Japanese/burger joint with them.It was an interesting day. It’s always fun to hang out with people who love what they do and are passionate about it, no matter what that may be.

I also met musician David Choi, and had the pleasure of hearing him perform live. He said that his performance at Happy Slip’s meet and greet was his first live one EVER. Not bad, man. He looks a little sour in this picture because he’s still recovering from bronchitis.

I was, however, surprised to learn that this guy is the crazy dude who likes to videotape his jumping around and off balconies and walls at our local Southland malls — Xin Sarith Wuku. I’d seen that video a million years ago and only connected the dots when he introduced himself by jumping from the audience down to the floor, then over to a wall and off it. Dude.

So, all in all, a fun day. And as a bonus, I found this:

Awwwwyeah, that’s a Beard Papa cream puff. Apparently, either they donated a bunch, or someone brought a bunch. Either way, people were probably wondering why the girl with that big camera was stuffing her face with a cream puff.

And yes, of course, I’ve got more pictures for you. Get your fill at my work site.