A bit of a blog blackout

My entries have been slow lately because of a family situation I’m dealing with. I refer to it a little bit in my last voice blog, but I haven’t put the player on here because I figure those of you who want to hear me ramble have subscribed to it. The situation is such a sensitive one that I have mostly been writing about it in my anonyblog, and I’ve now locked it down because its so painful. I suppose if you want to know what’s going on, you may leave your email in the comments and I’ll send you an invitation. But please don’t be hurt if I decline to invite you.

I have posted this picture from my trip to Hawaii last year because it gives me such hope and inspiration. Without fail there is always a new sunrise. Don’t worry, I’ll rise again. My husband and my closest friends haven’t nicknamed me “Tenacious D” for nothing.

One thought on “A bit of a blog blackout

  1. I’ve been praying for you and your family, especially lately. If you wouldn’t mind, I would appreciate an invitation. “teri at fluteprayer dot com”.

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